Monday, October 29, 2012

Saturday, October 20, 2012


I made this for Figment, after I got tired of thanking everybody un-originally.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Saturday, October 13, 2012


For Natalia Davis:


Stay Away From the Waves

This cover is for Alice Clarke's contemporary, Learning to Swim.

It shows up a little grainy here, in the photo, but I assure you that when it was in Paint it looked crystal clear. Anyway, I enjoyed making this cover. I liked working under the certain color pallet, and mixing the typewriter font with the handwritten font. I figured I might as well choose a photo that includes water--after all, the main character's main objective is to learn to swim. I like that the person was both in a boat and holding a boat, and that her friends/compatriots were in another boat, sort of symbolizing for me that she feels alone.

Alice, if you have any problems with this cover please let me know.

Words Can't Exress Your Beauty

For Bekka. The title sounded rather flowery to me, so the font used is in handwritten cursive. The 'your beauty' part is red to accent her red lips in the mirror, and to add another splash of color to the neutral photo. Your name is written in Fragment Core (and italicized) because I wanted it to stand out from the title. It is gray for the same reason.

I hope you enjoy your cover, and if you hate it please let me know.